05/20/2021 - the_mud_room - Pick Your Poison
AO: The M.U.D room
When: 05/20/2021
QIC: Broadway
Number of Pax: 12
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Signs, Miyagi, Honey Bear, Flip Flops, Thriller, U-Haul, Titanium, Sonic Boom, Buzz, Tex, Songbird, Broadway
12 PAX warmed up with some Michael Phelps, arm circles, windmills, cherry pickers, and jumping jacks
Next was a ‘Sally’ workout to ‘Flower’ by Moby – in keeping with the Alpha plank challenge for the month, we brought Sally UP on our hands and DOWN on our elbows in keeping with the song. Three and a half minutes was pretty rough…
The Thang:
We broke into 4 groups of 3 and each group had a set of workout cards facedown. Everyone ‘picked their poison’ as they flipped up a card and carried out the instructions. The cards read…
10 Bird Dog
20 Donkey Kicks
10 Hip Dips (LR=1)
25 Bicep Curls
25 Tricep Dips
25 Dead Lifts
20 Bicycles
20 Boat Canoe
20 Twisty Things (Russian Twists 🙂 )
20 Step-ups (alt legs)
20 Calf Raises
20 Toe Touches
5 Burpees
10 Carolina Dry Docs
15 Big Girl Sit-ups
25 Jumping Jacks
25 Half Jacks
25 Plank Jacks
Big Square:
Long sides – Duck Walk
Short sides – Walking Lunges
30 LBC
30 Ankle Biters
30 Flutter Kicks
Walk/Run to the stairs:
Up+Down x 10
There was time for everyone to choose their favorite 😉 card to repeat and then cool down as needed.
COT: A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.
Thanks, @Broadway for this Q. I’m on vacation and can follow along easily and recreate this. Thanks – xoxo Signs.