09/28/2021 - avalanche - Work the Abs and Arms, Annie!
AO: avalanche
When: 09/28/2021
QIC: U-Haul
Number of Pax: 9
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Sunny, Nemo, Natia, Graphite, Signs, Sonic Boom, 5G, U-Haul, Bollywood
Well, since my foot is still broken, I decided to lead what I could fully lead today… abs and arms. We did a little warm-up and then jumped into a circuit workout that focused on abs and arms. The workout went like this!
10 Cherry Pickers in cadence, 10 Jumping Jacks in cadence, Michael Phelps, Touch toes and roll up back stretch, Run/ walk the parking lot loop
That Thang:
Today we did an AMRAP Circuits workout using the Seconds Pro timer. We did 15 exercises for 30 seconds each, took at 45 second water break and then repeated the cycle. We did almost 4 complete cycles which meant lots of ab and arm work!! Here are the exercises that we did.
Ankle Biters
Tricep Extensions
Jane Fondas
Box Cutters
Annie’s again (because this was the Annie workout done to the Annie soundtrack!!)
Reverse Crunches
Plank up downs
Bicep Curls
American Pie Sit-ups
Water Break
Repeat the cycle 4X
COT – Today we shared T’s and P’s (thoughts and prayers). Although FIA is not associated with a certain faith, church, or denomination, we do ascribe to faith in a God who is higher than us. We also do encourage the Q to lead the Circle of Trust according to what is important to them. Please keep today’s requests in your thoughts and prayers.
Nameorama and Announcements
Great morning listening to the Annie soundtrack and pretend scrubbing the floor 🙂 Now we only wish that our floors were clean as a result. 🙂