07/20/2022 - amazon - We Are Champions

AO: Amazon

When: 07/20/2022

QIC: Ghost Rider


Number of Pax: 6

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Ledecky, Slow & Steady, Home Grown, Hammer, Taquito, Ghost Rider


We had a great time with our Olympic Challenge!


  • Quick mosey around the parking lot
  • 10 arm swings
  • 10 good mornings
  • 10 stretchy mountain climbers
  • 10 weed pickers in cadence

The Workout

Olympic event themed exercises, tabata style–45 seconds on/15 seconds transition

  1. Hockey [skaters]
  2. Boxing [weighted side-to-side punches]
  3. Fencing [jump lunges with curls]
  4. Table Tennis [football feet with swing arm]
  5. Cycling [bicycles]
  6. Surfing [squat, jump 180 degree, squat, burpee, repeat]
  7. Track [butt kickers]
  8. Rowing [ab tuck with arm row]
  9. Wrestling [sumo squat high pulls weighted]
  10. Football [mountain climbers]


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