02/13/2023 - the_mud_room - Valentine’s-themed Beatdown

AO: The M.U.D room

When: 02/13/2023

QIC: Songbird


Number of Pax: 5

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Boxer, Tex, Flip Flops, Challenger, Songbird


I always love a good themed workout, so pulled this out from last year (which I made as much Valentine’s/love-themed as I could!), to celebrate the holiday tmrw, some of it being a stretch for sure lol! But still fun😊


Make a BIG heart with feet together, arms starting curved on top of the head and stretching up and out to make a heart shape  and circle down to the feet, trace the heart back up, and repeat a couple times

“Hug” your arm (Arm across body L/R)

Michael Phelps (showing how MUCH you love someone😊)

“Hug” your knee, each side

“Hug” your ankle to butt, each side

Then various stretches for Neck, Arms, Sides/Abs, Back, Legs with “heart arms”


Tunnel of love modified (Take turns running between two rows of star jumps who cheer for you!)

4 Happy jacks (5 jacks/2 jump squats)

Fast feet around the heart of cones (As the heart goes pitter patter when in love)

The Thang:

7 love-burpees 🙂

14 of each:

Bicep “hugs” (curls)


Reverse fly “hugs”

Big girl sit-ups (hands crossed on chest for “love”)

Side arm raises (up to our necks in love)

Love bugs


13/1, 12/2, 11/3, 10/4, 9/5, 8/6, 7/7, doing:

“Love taps” (Mat taps, single count)

Boy bands (Who sing LOVE songs!)

Fast feet around the heart of cones again (💗 goes pitter patter)

7 more love-burpees

14 of each:

Shoulder press “hearts”

Flutter kicks (butterflies in your stomach)

“Kiss your beaus”

X’s and O’s


1/13, 2/12, 3/11, 4/10, 5/9, 6/8, 7/7, doing:

Curtsy lunges (curtsying to your beau, single count)

Prayer squats (To truly love often takes prayer!)

Fast feet around the heart of cones again (💗 goes pitter patter)

Then did the Cupid Shuffle song routine – shoulder tap planks until the song directs you to the right, at which you walk your plank to the right, then left, then alternate-kick 4 times, and then one push-up down, and go back to shoulder tap planks. It’s quite the workout!

Had a couple extra minutes to spare, so we did a quick Ab-o-Rama, doing 5 reps of an ab exercise each PAX specified.

Ended with Stretching while I shared my COT:

What true Love looks like, as described in God’s Word, 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 –

[4] Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant [5] or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; [6] it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. [7] Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. [8] Love never ends.

In hearing that description, I’m always so humbled and sobered by this love that sounds utterly impossible, but that is how God perfectly loves US, and He enables us to love others more like He does as well, by His Spirit! And forgiving us thru Jesus when we fail.. Grateful to be loved and to love with His unbelievable love!

Closed with Name-o-rama, then group pic!


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