05/15/2021 - the_coop - U2 Work Out – You too!
AO: the_coop
When: 05/15/2021
QIC: Tex
Number of Pax: 6
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Thriller, Queso, Signs, Titanium, Broadway, Tex
On this beautiful and sunny Saturday at The Coop, the PAX put up with my lifelong obsession with the band U2 (for their music, their social justice work, their utter coolness, and their faith “adjacentness”- is that a word?). The PAX also put up with my U2/You too! puns and the fact that it is way easier to cue a workout when you are only doing it in your head at the kitchen table than it is to do it in real life at the workout. Y’all are the best!
Here’s what we did:
All music from the (best) U2 album Rattle & Hum.
Song: Helter Skelter – 3:00min
verse 1 – fast feet – in and out
“Helter Skelter” chorus – do burpees (three choruses)
verse 2 – Forward Kick – alternating
End of song where it says “When you get to the bottom” – Hi Lo punches – alternating
Song: Desire – 3:00 min – switch exercises on “desiiiire”
Bicep curls
Tricep extensions
Lateral raise
Ventral raise (switch without saying “desire”)
Upright rows (switch at harmonica)
Hammer curls
Song: Hawkmoon 269 – 6 min
Dora – one partner runs to the “round thing” on The Grassy Knoll and back
Other partner does exercise noted on the cones (squat, hop scotch, jump squat, lunges, skaters)
Then Switch
Then Go to next exercise
When you return from your run you say to your partner “you too!” (i.e. you too get to run!)
Song: I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking for – 6:00 min
1st verse – Mountain climbers (rest/switch exercise when they sing “I still haven’t found what I’m looking for)
2nd verse – skaters
3rd verse – Reverse Lunges
4th verse – side lunges – alternating
When they sing “Kingdom come” do forward or walking lunges to the end of the song.
Song: Freedom for my people – 30 seconds
Russian Twist
Song: Pride (In the Name of Love) – 4:30 min
Verse 1: Bicycles
“In the name of love” – BGSit Ups
“The Edge” guitar solo – plank it
Verse 2: Boat Canoes
“In the name of love” – BGSit Ups
“oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh” – plank it
Verse 3: Reverend MLK – ankle biters
Song: When Love Comes to Town – 4:00 min
Partners – choose your singer – are you Bono or are you BB King?
When your singer is singing – you do Shoulder Press
When the other one is singing – you Plank
Guitar solo – everyone does jumping jacks (2 solos)
*Note: this was harder than it sounds! Who knew that Bono and BB sound so much alike when you are outdoors, the speaker fails, and your brain is oxygen deprived. The important thing was, we kept moving!!
Even though I had planned at least 8 more minutes of workout songs, we were, alas!, out of time, so we cooled down and stretched.
Cool Down
COT – Lyrics to Love Rescue Me (see extra photo)