05/12/2021 - the_mud_room - U-Haul’s Birthday Q 2021

AO: The M.U.D room

When: 05/12/2021

QIC: U-Haul


Number of Pax: 13

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Signs, Sonic Boom, Miyagi, Broadway, Mid Mod, Buzz, Songbird, Honey Bear, Thriller, Flip Flops, Titanium, Tex, Queso


It was a rainy morning but the parking garage proved to be a perfect setting for my 2nd annual birthday Q.  We did a Burpee for every year that I am old which means 45!!!  And we played some 80’s/ 90’s throwback music to bring back memories of my childhood/ teenage years.  

Warmup: (To “New Day” by Danny Goehke):  Neck stretches, Michael Phelps, Cherry Pickers, Butt Kickers, 5 Burpees

Ghost busters – when “ghost busters” is said, burpees.   Alternating lunges in between.   (Stick to lunges when “ghost” is said.)  Should be 17 burpees by the time it’s over.  Plus, we added 2 because I accidentally burpeed onto the music and we had to start over. 

13’s (bc my birthday is the 13th!) – to 90’s music:  Curtsy lunges at top of parking garage, run down, boat/ canoes at the bottom, Plank it out when done

Thunderstruck- burpees when they say “thunderstruck”, run in place or move side to side (or dance :)).  in between (should equal 13 burpees)

What does the Fox Say workout:  Ab routine to the Kidsbop version of What Does the Fox Say. Do Indian Style LBCs (legs cross cross apple sauce on the ground) during the verses and Bicycles during the chorus for the entire duration of the song. PAX will not only complain about the song, but also the ab pain.

8 more burpees ( or 1 if we didn’t add to ghostbusters)

Nameorama, Announcements, COT, and then coffee at Thousand Hills!  So good!!!

I was honored that 13 of you joined me for my rainy day birthday Q this morning.  And Miyagi, I love my balloon!!!  Thank you so much!




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