11/09/2021 - the_haven - Traveling the Haven

AO: The Haven

When: 11/09/2021

QIC: U-Haul


Number of Pax: 5

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Rapid, Boxer, Natya, Signs


When we first decided to establish an AO at Avalon, we had visions of working out on Regal Theater turf or in some cute little courtyard.  But then we realized that there are literally apartments surrounding both turf areas that we had planned on, that the turf gets gated off at night, and that,….well, there are apartments thoughout pretty much all of Avalon.  Who Knew?  So we planned our workout in a back parking garage/ lot that has allowed us to do our things with loud music and cheers.  All of this having been said, it still seems like Avalon should be a great place to diversify our workouts so today, I decided that we would keep our music low and explore some new areas.  And truly, it worked out great!  Here’s how it went….


Warm up:

15 high knees

15 Grass Grabbers

15 Michael phelps

The Chicken Dance

Run to the Regal Theater overhang


That THANG: 

Circuit 1 at the Regal Theater Overhang with circular runs around the turf. Pax worked in pairs to add to each other’s count of the following:

Dora 1,2,3 

100- Push ups

200- LBC’s

300- Squats

Partner 1 did pushups while partner 2 ran the circle.  When partner 2 returned, they picked up the pushup count and added to it while partner 1 ran the loop.  This continued until all pushups, LBC’s and squats were completed.  We actually had to cut the squat number to 200 so that we would have time for the next location.

Circuit 2 at the Tesla Parking Garage.  Here we completed several rounds of Ring of Fire while listening to Johnny Cash’s “Ring of Fire”.  Pax all completed the first exercise while one person completed and “passed on” the second exercise.  I can say that for me, the plank/ dolphin round burned, burned, burned the most.

Rings of Fire:

Hold Al Gore position (squat while tree hugging) while passing around 3 burpees

Hold boat while passing around 5 boat/ canoe

Hold Forearm plank while passing around 5 dolphins

Do calf raises while passing around 5 squats


If we had had time, our third location was going to include this circuit….

Circuit 3:

11’s on the ramp

Monkey humpers



We close with a run back to our initial meetup location for 

COT “We are what we repeatedly do, excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.” And also, “His mercies are new every morning.  Great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23

Closed it out with announcements and name-o-Rama.  

Fun to explore with you ladies this morning!  Thanks for coming.



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