06/24/2022 - the_mud_room - Top Gun Wingman

AO: The M.U.D room

When: 06/24/2022

QIC: U-Haul


Number of Pax: 8

Number of FNGS: 1

Pax Names:

Chameleon, Miyagi, Tex, Songbird, Sprout, Kinetic, Challenger




Thank you to 7 PAX for joining in me in battle for our Top Gun workout. I stole this workout idea from FIA Knoxville and it was so fun!


We warmed up with some stretches and cardio while we listened to the opening sequence of the original Top Gun: 10 jumping jacks in cadence, 10 windmills in cadence, 10 cherry pickers in cadence, Micheal Phelps… We had to do a lot of cadence reps to get us in the military mindset! 🙂

Then, we each chose a wingman for the workout: 

The pilot ran a short lap while the wingman completed the listed exercise. When the pilot returned, the two swapped out: wingman ran while pilot does the exercise. We made it through the list 1.5 times. 


Bicep Curls, Tricep Dips, Big Girl Situps, Squat Overhead Press, Chest Flies, Glute Bridges (weighted), Lateral Raises, Pushups, Russian Twists (weighted)

After doing these exercises for 35 minutes, we gathered for the last 5 minutes to complete the mission.  In Top Gun: Maverick, the team has 2:30 to complete their assigned mission. The Top Gun Anthem is also 2 min 30 sec so we completed our mission by planking through the Top Gun Anthem for our own 2:30 challenge to complete our workout.

Inspiration: Our FiA names, like call signs in Top Gun, help to identify us and bring camaraderie within our community. Think about your FiA name and what it means to you to be a part of this outstanding group of women!  

And after all was over, all but one of us was able to go to Starbucks for some rewarding Coffia.

Thank you so much for playing along this morning! I had a blast, and I hope you did, too!


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