07/25/2024 - the_mud_room - Time Bomb

AO: The M.U.D room

When: 07/25/2024

QIC: Titanium


Number of Pax: 6

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Broadway, Mater, Miyagi, Buzz, Sonic Boom, Titanium


This was not my favorite workout…had to use a timer for everything and it was a body burner. Concentrated on every area with cardio in between each. Caused some soreness the next day too! (Whine and complain, but I was the one to blame!!)

Anyway, the below is what we did, though I did have to cut out a cardio repeat because of time.


10 Jumping Jacks IC
10 High Knees IC
10 Butt Kickers IC
10 Arm Circles Forward
10 Arm Circles Backward


1 minute wall sit
45 second squats
30 seconds alternating lunges
15 second jump squats
30 second alternating lunges
45 seconds squats
1 minute wall sit
1 minute break


1 minute skaters
45 seconds jumping lunges
30 seconds plank jacks
15 seconds burpees
30 seconds plank jacks
45 seconds jumping lunges
1 minute skaters
1 minute rest


1 minute overhead press
45 seconds bicep curls
30 seconds overhead triceps ext. 15 seconds front raise
30 seconds overhead triceps ext.
45 seconds bicep curls
1 minute overhead press
1 minute rest




1 minute plank
45 seconds LBCs
30 seconds side plank right
15 seconds V sit
30 seconds side plank left
45 seconds LBCs
1 minute plank
1 minute rest




1 minute donkey kick right side
45 seconds fire hydrant right side
30 seconds narwhals right side
15 seconds glute bridge hold
30 seconds narwhals left side
45 seconds fire hydrants left side
1 minute donkey kicks left side

COT: Closed with a quote – maybe this one?

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.


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