09/02/2024 - the_mud_room - Things to Do in Chairs Workout

AO: The M.U.D room

When: 09/02/2024

QIC: Tex


Number of Pax: 5

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Queso, Green Thumb, Titanium, Kinetic, Tex


This was my first Q back after surgery on my foot. I am still modifying heavily and not putting a lot of weight on my foot, so we did a “Things to do in Chairs” Workout. Here’s a list of exercises you can do in the Adarondak chairs on the MUD Room green.

  1. incline push ups on back
  2. decline push ups – feet on seat
  3. Bulgarian split squats – Right on seat
  4. Bulgarian Split squat – left on seat
  5. Sit down – Stand Up
  6. Gas pumpers
  7. Toe taps – tap toe on seat of chair – alternating
  8. Backward plank – hands in seat of chair – legs out in front
  9. Seated jacks
  10. Seated oblique crunch – alternate sides
  11. Incline mountain climbers – hands on seat side or chair back
  12. Seated lean backs – like a crunch
  13. Seated alternating toe touches
  14. Seated skater (alt hand touches alt toe)
  15. Leg lift – seat back – right leg back
  16. Leg lift – seat back – left leg back
  17. Tummy Twists – feet on ground, hands behind head, elbow to opposite knee
  18. Leg lift – seat back – right leg side
  19. Leg lift – seat back – left leg side
  20. Seated bent over row
  21. Leg circles – right side
  22. Leg circles – left side
  23. Seated Arnold press
  24. Pistol squat to seat and up – right leg out
  25. Pistol squat to seat and up – left leg out
  26. Right side – elbow to knee curl
  27. Left side – elbow to knee curl
  28. Seated, weighted leg extensions (both at same time)
  29. Tricep dips
  30. Seated calf raises – weights on knees
  31. Inch worm – feet in seat of chair

Add a warm up, cool down, and COT and we had a great workout!



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