06/23/2023 - the_mud_room - Tabata-style Beatdown
AO: The M.U.D room
When: 06/23/2023
QIC: Songbird
Number of Pax: 3
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Buzz, Tex, Songbird
We stretched out as I shared the intro/disclaimer.
Then we did a couple warm-ups, in cadence:
10 windmills
10 jumping jacks
And then ran one lap around the green.
The Thang:
Two sets of 8 exercises each, each set done twice – 45sec on, 15sec off:
Weights – bicep curls
Legs/Cardio – pendulum squats
Weights – tricep curls
Legs/Cardio – jump ropes
Weights – upright rows
Legs/Cardio – right forward/back lunges
Weights – bent over rows
Legs/Cardio – left forward/back lunges
**Speed-walked to the Stairway to Heaven, went up/down, and back to the green**
Weights – overhead press
Legs/Cardio – sumo/narrow squats
Weights – reverse flys
Legs/Cardio – mountain climbers
Weights – kettlebell swings
Legs/Cardio – runner’s squats
Weights – dead lifts
Legs/Cardio – pistol squats
We stretched/cooled down while we did Name-o-Rama and Announcements.
Totally forgot to share my COT there, but here it is:
“It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.” – Edmund Hillary, New Zealand mountaineer who was one of two who were first to reach the summit of Mt. Everest
It seems he is saying, the hard things themselves are not really the biggest thing, it’s more our thoughts/fears/doubts to get over, in order to try the hard things and often succeed!
And as a believer, this verse is one that helps me overcome those fears and doubts: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!