09/28/2020 - the_mud_room - Sweatin’ to the 80s
AO: The M.U.D room
When: 09/28/2020
QIC: Sonic Boom
Number of Pax: 5
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Queso, Buzz, Titanium, Signs
I pulled up an 80s playlist, and we got down to the below workout – these ladies kept the beat up and had me sweatin’ by the end!
Warm Up:
- Half jacks
- Mountain climbers
- Drops
- Toy soldiers
3 rounds of relay:
- Curtsy lunges
- Side push-ups (runner tells us to switch @ halfway)
- Kneeling shoulder press
- Butterfly crunch
- Bicycles
- Wall sit
2-3 rounds of 12 reps each:
- Single-leg row – R
- Single-leg row – L
- Push-ups (24 first round)
- High/low plank
- Reverse flies
2-3 rounds of 30 reps each:
- Calf raises
- Squat jumps (with or without hop/weight pick-up)
- Bonnie Blairs
- Russian Twists
Stretch, CoT, Name-o-Rama – Moment of silence for Patrona & Lifesaver. Romans 12 – “Rejoice with those who rejoice, mourn with those who mourn…” Be nice, even/especially if others aren’t. Challenge us to pray or do something kind to those who’ve hurt us this week.