04/14/2021 - the_mud_room - Surf’s Up, Beach Babes!

AO: The M.U.D room

When: 04/14/2021

QIC: Songbird


Number of Pax: 12

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Buzz, Broadway, Honey Bear, U-Haul, Signs, Miyagi, Titanium, Flip Flops, Queso, Sonic Boom, Tex, Songbird


Firstly – I forgot to say the disclaimer this morning🤪

So my name is Songbird, I am not a trained professional, these are free peer-led workouts, so work out at your own risk, please feel free to modify any of the exercises at any time, to be more challenging OR to ease it up, thanks!😬

My family came back from a Panama City Beach trip last week for Spring Break, so today’s beatdown was completely beach-inspired and as water/sand/marine life-themed as I could possibly make it😜

We worked out to the soundtrack of a very cheesy teeny bopper musical called Teen Beach Movie, because I hear my daughters singing the songs regularly at my house, and it was theme-appropriate and peppy to keep us going!


We started with a sunny Warm-up:

5 Sunbursts – fanning arms out and up over your head, then out and down to your sides

10 Good mornings – bending over at the hips with hands behind your head

Waved our outstretched arms back and forth over our heads like a palm tree in the wind, a few times

20 Seal jacks

“Rode waves” across the green back and forth a few times – alternating side steps while doing a rolling wave with our outstretched arms

Crab-walked across the green back and forth a few times

“Walked thru water” back and forth across the green a few times (walking lunges, shallow or deep lunges)


Then we went right into the Thang – on my cue we did:

High Surfing squats (can jump to switch sides)

Low Surfing squats (can jump to switch sides)

Standing rows w. Weights

Standing breaststroke w. Weights

Shoveling in the sand – used weight as a shovel

Child digging in the sand w. Hands (Weights)

Throwing a Football, first arm then second arm

Spiking a volleyball, jumping and using one arm then switched to the other

Squats while setting a volleyball

Board/Beach towel (mat) exercises:

Swimmers – swimming on belly, alternating opposite arm and leg

Froggy paddle – swimming on belly, stretching out both arms and legs to the sides at the same time

Surfer paddle – belly on your “board,”paddling with your hands to the sides and kicking your legs 

Doggy paddle – similar to surfer paddle but faster!

Dolphin dives – starting in a downward dog position, then bending your upper body down to the floor to end in a concave back position (sorry, always forget all the terms for the moves!!🤪), repeating

Backstroke – lying on back and doing backstroke arm motions while kicking legs



Kayaking w. Weight (Russian twists holding weight like a paddle)

Sitting Rows w. Weight

Reading in a beach chair (Folded V-hold holding a weight in front of you)

In same position but feet down and holding the weight up over your head to block the sun from your eyes (or as @Miyagi so fittingly pointed out, “beach selfie pose”!!🤣👌🏼)

Crab cakes (Sparky crabs)

Winded down with a beach Cool-down/Stretch:

  • “Rode waves” across the green one more time – alternating side steps while doing a rolling wave with your outstretched arms
  • On our backs, stretched body out long with arms up, picturing doing so on the sand
  • Hugged knee in, alternating
  • Sat pretzel-style on said “sand,” leaning forward carefully, taking in the imaginary salty air
  • Waved outstretched arms back and forth over our heads like palm trees again, sitting than standing
  • Finished off with 5 more Sunbursts – fanning arms out and up over our heads, then out and down to our sides


Often times the crashing waves of life (trials and challenges) can hit us, smack us down, and try to keep us down, but God’s Word reminds us of the truth about HIM that can sustain us through, and bring us out of, those waves! He is mightier!!

Psalm 89:9

    You rule the raging of the sea; when its waves rise, you still them.

Psalm 93:4

    Mightier than the thunders of many waters, mightier than the waves of the sea, the LORD on high is mighty!

I was actually inspired to write a worship song regarding these verses, right after this workout and COT this morning! Maybe one day it will make it onto iTunes…but I won’t hold my breath.😄


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