08/21/2023 - the_mud_room - Sporty at 40 Workout
AO: The M.U.D room
When: 08/21/2023
QIC: Tex
Number of Pax: 6
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Titanium, Graphite, Flip Flops, Zookeeper, Buzz, Tex
During our Summer challenges, one of my brown bag prizes included a CD called Sporty at 40 and featured several 70’s and 80’s popular songs. I pulled out my boom box (yes, I still have one) got some D batteries for it and popped in the CD to create this workout…
warm Up
Fast Walking Lap around green
Michael Phelps
During each song, we rotated a series of exercises until the song was over…
- Taking Care of Business
- Squats – jumping jack at Title
- Funkytown – arms
- Bicep curls
- Tricep extensions
- Shoulder presses
- upright rows
- side raises
- front raises
- Crocodile Rock – lower body
- sumo squats
- around the world squats – with regular and jump squat
- pendulum squats – alternating
- Boogie Wonderland – abs
- LBCs
- Russian twist
- Bicycle crunches
- Reverse crunches
- Happy Days Theme – cardio
- High knees
- Butt kickers
- Motivators – full jack, shoulder arms, just feet, bounce
For the next few songs (until time was up), we went back through the exercise groupings.
All the PAX agreed, if they see the Boom Box again, they might turn around and go home! This workout was WAY harder than I expected! We got some good work done and were definitely feeling it the next day (even a few days later).
COT: I read some information from a research study that basically said that nostalgia is good for us! So if you are having a hard day, pull out some old pictures or listen to some old music (like our Sporty at 40 CD) and lift your spirits!