07/09/2021 - the_mud_room - Sonic Boom – Titanium Co-Q!

AO: The M.U.D room

When: 07/09/2021

QIC: Sonic Boom & Titanium


Number of Pax: 11

Number of FNGS: 1

Pax Names:

Spicy, Queso, Picasa, Butterfly (FNG), Zumbo, Buzz, Honey Bear, Sonic Boom, Titanium, Flip Flops, Tex


It was a fun day for a co-Q with Sonic Boom and Titanium!  Plus, there was (of course) a special playlist – ALL songs with Sonic Boom/Boom or Titanium/Iron/Metal/Hips/Strong (harder to find Titanium songs for some reason…)

We threw the pax off with a cleared out green and no circle of mats.  We did a quick warm up and then divided into 2 teams.  One team at each end where they drew an exercise slip out of the bucket – one side had arms and the other legs.  Draw an exercise, do it with your team, then travel with your weights to the other side for the next exercise.  There were 15 exercises in each with many from the Lexicon, along with explanations.  Sweat poured pretty quickly on this muggy morning!

We welcomed an FNG – Butterfly!  She is a swim coach and her favorite stroke is… you guessed it.  She also has a 9 month old baby and an F3 husband, Catfish.

The Thang:

Warm Up

  • Good mornings
  • Reverse inch worms
  • Walking hip opener
  • Heel to toe rock
  • Cadence single-leg swings with reverse lunge
  • Shoulder rolls

Grab Bag o’ Arms and Legs

Abs – 30 sec each:

  • Imperial walkers
  • Hillbillies
  • High plank
  • Low plank

Cot & Name-O-Rama

Coco Chanel: “Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself”


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