11/18/2022 - the_mud_room - Songbird’s (late) 41st bday beatdown

AO: The M.U.D room

When: 11/18/2022

QIC: Songbird


Number of Pax: 10

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Green Thumb, Kinetic, Flip Flops, Buzz, Titanium, Zookeeper, Challenger, Sonic Boom, U-Haul, Songbird


A frigid 30 degrees this am! But 10 PAX showed UP, ready to get the blood pumping together, get warmed up,  and get it done!!

After I shared the disclaimer, we stretched with:

Arm circles

Arms across / behind back

Twist at hips / Touch toes

Side lunges / runner’s lunges

We warmed up with:

10 jumping jacks in cadence

10 windmills in cadence

1 loop run around the green

The Thang:

Since I turned 41, we did several rounds of 4 exercises, 10 each, then 1 burpee!

10 bicep curls

10 sumo squats

10 kettle bell swings

10 star jumps

1 burpee

10 bench presses (on back)

10 side kicks

10 mountain climbers

10 Supermans

1 burpee

10 tricep curls

10 forward lunges (L/R)

10 woodchoppers (L)

10 woodchoppers (R)

1 burpee

10 reverse chest flys (standing)

10 skaters

10 sec football quick feet shuffle

10 Swimmers

1 burpee

10 bent-over rows

10 back lunges (L/R)

10 squat thrusts

10 Cross-jacks

1 burpee

~Run to the stairs and back~

10 tricep kickbacks

10 calf raises

10 Knee-slap mountain climbers

10 deadlifts

1 burpee

10 chest flys (on back)

10 side lunges (L/R)

10 pendulum squats

10 tuck jumps

1 burpee

10 standing rows

10 forward kicks (L/R)

10 jump ropes

10 glute bridges

1 burpee

10 forward arm raises

10 Single-leg runner’s squats (L)

10 Single-leg runner’s squats (R)

10 Heismans (L/R)

1 burpee

10 lateral arm raises

10 Pistol squats (L)

10 Pistol squats (R)

10 mat taps (L/R)

1 burpee


10 Palm plank shoulder taps (L/R)

10 Elbow plank buzz saws (L/R)

10 J-Los (L/R)

10 Plank jacks

1 burpee

10 Bicycle crunches

10 Russian twists (add weights)

10 Leg raises

10 boat-canoes

1 burpee

Finally we stretched and cooled down while I shared the COT:

These days I’ve been seeing my weaknesses a lot..it’s easy to get discouraged. The Lord kindly reminded me of 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24:

[23] Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. [24] He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it.

The God of peace can give me peace as I trust that He is continually working on me, and won’t stop – He will change me and help me to become whole and holy, more like Himself, until the end. What an encouragement!


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