07/12/2023 - amazon - Sink or Swim?

AO: Amazon

When: 07/12/2023

QIC: Ghost Rider


Number of Pax: 6

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Ultimate, Hammer, Rapid, Sentinel, Fonda, Ghost Rider


Amazon changed location for this workout to a nearby pool.  We had a great time switching things up!


  • 5 min swim on your own; any stroke.


  • We did 2 sets of 10 min exercises and 5 minutes lap swim, swimmer’s choice.
    • First set was 5 exercises done for 2 minutes each
      1. Noodle Push/Pull while squatting
      2. Noodle Push Downs-single leg (single leg deadlift)
      3. Step thru Noodle lunges
      4. Running in place
      5. Half Plank w/ a Noodle
    • Second set was 5 exercises done for 2 minutes each
      1. Kicking while holding side of pool
      2. Kettlebell swing with kickboard
      3. Jumping Lunges
      4. Muscle-up to side of pool
      5. Kickboard sweeps


  • “Stay awake, stand firm in your faith, be brave, be strong” 1 Corinthians 16:13

Looking forward to doing another pool workout!



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