03/04/2022 - the_mud_room - See You When I See You Cardio Special

AO: The M.U.D room

When: 03/04/2022

QIC: U-Haul


Number of Pax: 10

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Songbird, Zumbo, Tex, Natya, Signs, Miyagi, Zookeeper, Titanium, Kinetic


This week is the cardio challenge of the winter challenge so I wanted to include some running/ fast walking in the Q.  This is how we got our 22 minutes of cardio in today.


10 jumping jacks in cadence

15 grass grabbers

15 Michael Phelps

Run to Stairs and back 


Partner off.  

See you when I see you routine. 

Pax partner up and run opposite directions from one another in a circle.  When partners meet back up, they perform a series of exercises together: 10 push ups, 10 sit ups (you pick American pie or big girl) , 10 squats, 10 dips.  They run opposite directions again and continue decreasing reps with each round.  9 of each, 8, 7, 6, etc.  Great for PAX of varying running speeds. 

Everyone back together for an Indian Run.  We ran a loop and took turns sending the back person to the front until all had made the run to the front of the line.

Cupid Shuffle – in plank position, right leg out, left leg out, kick, down to push up when he says walk it

Nameorama, COT

Since we just finished the February Co-Q challenge and the 8 week FIA Nation winter challenge, we ended our workout with an awards ceremony for our grand prize winners.  Congratulations to our overall winner who completed every day of the winter challenge, Natya!  As she said at the end, we are better together because we push each other forward to do things that we wouldn’t otherwise do.


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