08/25/2020 - the_mud_room - Rosie Riveter and Round Robin
AO: The M.U.D room
When: 08/25/2020
QIC: Titanium
Number of Pax: 7
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Queso, Sonic Boom, Buzz, Flip Flops, Fast Feet, Hops, Titanium
The guns were out as we channeled our best Rosie Riveter! Love the themes during our FiA Olympics!
After a quick warm up, we started our round robin, collaborative Q. We went around the circle calling out exercises for the designated type along with the number of reps. In between types of exercises, we ran a lap or ran the stairs or some other type of cardio.
First up were arms, then legs, abs, and core. And only 5 burpees in the mix! But plenty of other heavy hitters…
Buzz called attention to those that were in our Lexirades from Olympic day on Saturday – she got to demonstrate a couple of them for us! Queso and Sonic Boom, of course, brought out classics with plenty of reps to get us sweating! Hops has really caught on to the FiA action and brings her fun to the mix every time. Flip Flops brings the strength training and Fast Feet reminds us of our correct form.
All together we Q’d a great workout! Terrific work, pax!