11/22/2022 - the_haven - Rinse and Repeat – 4 Corners

AO: The Haven

When: 11/22/2022

QIC: Titanium


Number of Pax: 3

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Queso, Sonic Boom, Titanium


Repeat of yesterday’s wo at The MUD Room!

Warm Up
Jumping Jacks
Arm Circles (forward then backward)
Toy Soldiers
4 Corners
10 Upright rows
20 Overhead press
30 Squats
40 Lunges
Ladder – every other line & back
10 Pushups
20 Smurf Jacks
30 Mountain Climbers
40 Plank Jacks
Plank for the 6
On the Green
45 sec: Flutterkick with weight overhead
Kettlebell swing
Glute Bridge
Russian Twist
Run a lap to stairs and back
1 min Plank
Ladder repeat
Round Robin Abs


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