06/26/2023 - the_mud_room - Reverse Halcyon Tour

AO: The M.U.D room

When: 06/26/2023

QIC: Titanium


Number of Pax: 3

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Rerun, Challenger, Titanium


It was the 3 Musketeers this morning for a workout around Halcyon! Loved working out with friends I haven’t seen in a bit.

We started with a quick warmup in cadence, then started in the opposite direction I usually do my “tours”.  We did a bit of a lot of exercises and warmed up quickly! When we finally stopped on the green for our abs and cool down, the breeze felt wonderful…

The Thang:

Warm Up – IC Jumping Jacks
Imperial Walkers
Weed Pickers
Bike Rack Run/weave through
Mini-Green Mountain Climbers
Stairs Up & Down with 2 BG Pushups at each end (x3)
Cut Through Sidewalk Crab Walk
Right Curb Halfway 2 Steps then step up on right foot
Switch to Left Curb 2 Steps then step up on left foot
Railing 10 Pull ups
Stairway to Heaven Plank before/after your turn Up & Down
Building Low Wall Tricep Dips
Parking Deck Enter from left side of building
Main Level From stairs going left, 2 Froggers at every line
Main Level Run to wall for 45 second Wall Sit
Main Green Abs & Others:
Big Girl Sit Ups
Curls to Overhead Press
Russian Twists (20 – R/L=1)
Standing Piston Rows
Reverse Crunch
Glute Bridges – Middle-Right-Left-Middle
Toe Touch & Stretch


Quote for the day: We may not have it all together, but together we have it all. (And that’s the truth!)


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