05/03/2021 - the_mud_room - Rainy Day Dora’s and Sally’s…. oh my!

AO: The M.U.D room

When: 05/03/2021

QIC: U-Haul


Number of Pax: 11

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Queso, Titanium, Flip Flops, Buzz, Broadway, Songbird, Signs, Sonic Boom, Honey Bear, Thriller, Miyagi



Warm-up: side stretches, Michael Phelps, 10 grass grabbers in cadence, motivators- from 7- full jumping jacks, jumping jacks with arms as high as shoulders, jumping jacks with hands on hips, jumping jacks straight up and down, from 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Finished out the warmup by running to the second floor of the parking garage and and laying out our mats for that Thang.


The Thang:

We partnered up for our Dora’s.  At first, I suggested that we do 150, 250, 350 of each exercise but as soon as we got into the Merkins we realized that 100, 200 and 300 would be enough…. Especially with the length of the loop that we were running/ walking.

100 Merkins

200 Squats

300 LBCs

Partner A ran a lap around the parking garage while partner B started the 100 Merkins. When partner A got back, partner B took a lap around the parking deck and partner A started the Merkins continuing the count from wherever partner B stopped. Once Merkins were complete we moved immediately in to the Squats and LBCs.  Once a group finished they had to hold a plank until all groups finished. 


After our Dora’s, we were pretty hot and sweaty.  Figured out that runners had run around 1.3 miles thus far.  


I decided to finish out the workout with some song workouts.


“Flower” by Moby – To break it up a bit we did a round of Sally next – Squat edition 😄. Start in squat position Everytime the song said Sally down, we went down. Everytime it said Sally up we went up!


We ended by doing American Pie Situps and Skaters to an Eminem/ Rihanna song.  Decided that the lyrics were a bit ugly so won’t be using that song workout again.


Finished today out with:


Nameorama, Announcements, COT


Ladies, today felt like shorts and tank top weather.  I definitely worked up a huge Monday morning sweat.  Thanks for pushing through the Monday, rainy day, excuses and joining me!



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