08/03/2020 - the_mud_room - Quarantine Task List

AO: The M.U.D room

When: 08/03/2020

QIC: Titanium


Number of Pax: 5

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Queso, Signs, Hops, Flip Flops, Titanium


Since the quarantine is still active, our task list should be too!  While we listened to a quarantine playlist, each pax picked up a list and a pen (hand sanitizer at the ready).  We had 45 minutes to complete as many exercises as possible.  Only rule was that the 2 required sections must be completed – 3 runs/walks, and 50 burpees in sets of 10, so they are sooo much easier!

This was not Flip Flops first rodeo with the task list, so she was good with the mumble chatter!  Queso pounded out the exercises so that she could check off a lot – she must be competitive?  Signs seemed to enjoy the Plank Tap sequence (wink, wink).  And Hops had so much fun, she decided to take her list on the road to Nashville to get some bootcamp beatdown while out of town!

The Thang:

Completed Completed
Running (Required) Heart Rate
Long Loop 100 Mountain Climber (single)
Stairs – 4 up and down 200 Jump Ropes
Stairs to opposite building 100 Jumping Jacks
Burpees (Required) Merkins
10 Burpees 25 Regular
10 Burpees 25 Wide
10 Burpees 25 Diamond
10 Burpees Jumping Station
10 Burpees 100 High Knees
Arm Pain 100 Knee Tucks
30 Overhead Press 50 Forward/Backward =1
30 Flys 50 Side/Side =1
30 Bench Press Core
30 Curls 20 Reverse Crunch
Leg Pain 20 Heels to Heaven
20 Bonnie Blairs (L/R=1) 30 Rosalita (45°)
20 Jump Squats 40 Streamlined Flutters (L/R=1)
20 Lunge Walk (L/R=1) 40 Russian Twists (L/R=1)
Plank Pain 40 Bicycles (L/R=1)
2 minute plank (high or low) 20 Dying Cockroach (L/R=1)
Plank Tap seq 10 (L/R=1) –  hands, elbws, shldrs, hips, knees, toes


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