03/12/2021 - the_mud_room - Pyramid of Pain

AO: The M.U.D room

When: 03/12/2021

QIC: Queso


Number of Pax: 3

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Flip Flops, Buzz, Queso


It was great to be back at it! I had the COVID for 2 weeks and then I went to Kenya for a week, so I’ve left my girls hanging for about 3 weeks without a Q. If I may say so myself, I came back with a vengeance! Sorry, Flip Flops & Buzz! I had to suffer through it too though #bettertogether #fiastrong

Here’s what went down:

Warm up:
hamstring stretch
butt kickers
high knees
tricep stretch
cross body stretch

The Thang:

Each round we added a row….adding quantity and reps. We started off with 1 lap, then added a row each time. 1 lap, then 1 lap + the second row: 5 BURPEES & 5 up/downs (two favorites….I know lol). We followed in line with 1 lap, 2nd row + 3rd row…etc.

                                                                          1 lap

                                                           5 burpees    5 up/down

                                                 10 BGS   10 lunges 10 boat canoe

                            15 push ups   15 tricep ext   15 side bend R   15 side bend L

                     20 flutter kicks    20 plank jacks    20 jane fonda 20 squats 20 donkey  

    25 LBC   25 calf raises   25 russian twist   25 mt climbers   25 curls  25 monkey humper

COT: “I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Whatever you’re going through & whatever is tough right now…remember to seek refuge in our loving, caring God.


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