06/23/2021 - the_mud_room - Princess Practice
AO: The M.U.D room
When: 06/23/2021
QIC: Miyagi & Chameleon
Number of Pax: 11
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Miyagi, Chamelion, Zumbo, FlipFlops, Honey Bear, Signs, Road Runner, Song Bird, Queso, Buzz, Titanium
Cardio Dance Warm Up :Music – “Don’t Call Me Up”
Following the music…
7 x Grapevine with high knee at the End
8 Slow ½ Jacks
8 x Alternating Step Side Squat With Fly
8 x alternating step back lunge with hammer curl
7 x Grapevine with high knee at the End
Interlude: squat to calf-raise
8 Slow ½ Jacks
8 x Alternating Step Side Squat With Fly
8 x alternating step back lunge with hammer curl
Squat to Calf Raise
8 Slow ½ Jacks
8 x Alternating Step Side Squat With Fly
8 x alternating step back lunge with hammer curl
Princess Practice
Arms: 3 x 40 seconds each with 15 second rest
- Wave To The Little People (Standing Chest Fly)
- Call the Woodland Animals (regular Curls)
- Put on the Crown. (Squat with Overhead Press)
- I Dub Thee Knight (Alternating Front Lunge with opp. arm extend)
Legs: 3 x 40 seconds each with 15 second rest
- Curtsey Practice (curtsey Lunges)
- Clear The Spotlight (squat then side kick (alternate sides)
- How To Recognize A Proposal vs Simple Respect
(Front Lunge stand Back Lunge with straight front leg Alternate)
- Kick Off The Slipper (Alternating single leg kick with Glute Bridge)
- This is Why You Don’t Want To Give Up Being A Mermaid
- (flutter kicks)
- Do NOT Kiss the Sleeping Princess (reverse crunches)
- I Can Wake Up By Myself (Big Girl Sit Ups)
The Finale: 1 min
- Get Ready For Your Big Solo At The Cliff/Rock/Precipice
(Alternating Step-up with one legged calf raise)