01/31/2023 - the_mud_room - Picnic Table (Altered) Workout

AO: The M.U.D room

When: 01/31/2023

QIC: Tex


Number of Pax: 5

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Zookeeper, Flip Flops, Titanium, Graphite, Tex


It was raining so we ended up in the parking garage. The original workout was intended to be done with a picnic table as a “prop”, but barring picnic tables in the parking garage, we made do and got an excellent workout anyway!

After warming up, here’s what we did:

  1. Step ups (on the parking curbs)
  2. Sit to stands (squats)
  3. Box Jumps
  4. Knee Up with a hop
  5. Lunge with back leg on curb
  6. Plyometric push ups against the wall (catch air in between pushes)
  7. Tricep dips
  8. glut bridges with feet on the wall
  9. sitting up bicycles
  10. Gas pumpers

We did two rounds and then did a round robin of arm exercises because that workout was very leg heavy!

Keeping the picnic table theme in mind, the COT was this…

These 3 picnic quotes remind us that everything (from a picnic to a workout to a regular ol’ day) can be better when we approach it with a positive attitude and good friends.

“Every day is a picnic when you’re with friends.”

“A picnic is a state of mind and can be made anywhere.”

“You bring your own weather to the picnic.”



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