01/31/2023 - the_mud_room - Picnic Table (Altered) Workout
AO: The M.U.D room
When: 01/31/2023
QIC: Tex
Number of Pax: 5
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Zookeeper, Flip Flops, Titanium, Graphite, Tex
It was raining so we ended up in the parking garage. The original workout was intended to be done with a picnic table as a “prop”, but barring picnic tables in the parking garage, we made do and got an excellent workout anyway!
After warming up, here’s what we did:
- Step ups (on the parking curbs)
- Sit to stands (squats)
- Box Jumps
- Knee Up with a hop
- Lunge with back leg on curb
- Plyometric push ups against the wall (catch air in between pushes)
- Tricep dips
- glut bridges with feet on the wall
- sitting up bicycles
- Gas pumpers
We did two rounds and then did a round robin of arm exercises because that workout was very leg heavy!
Keeping the picnic table theme in mind, the COT was this…
These 3 picnic quotes remind us that everything (from a picnic to a workout to a regular ol’ day) can be better when we approach it with a positive attitude and good friends.
“Every day is a picnic when you’re with friends.”
“A picnic is a state of mind and can be made anywhere.”
“You bring your own weather to the picnic.”