08/23/2021 - the_mud_room - Pearls on a String

AO: The M.U.D room

When: 08/23/2021

QIC: Titanium


Number of Pax: 17

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Zumbo, Flip Flops, Bollywood, Nemo, Chief, Coco, Miyagi, Uhaul, Dr. Prime, 5G, KPub, Cruiser, Tex, Buzz, Signs, Songbird, Titanium


Was waiting for a Q on a rain day, but wouldn’t you know it never seemed to happen on those days I signed up! So, just went for it on Monday. We gathered in the parking deck on the ground floor, circled up, and did a quick warm up with windmills, Imperial Walkers, and some other twisty things. Then on to ABs.

After abs, we quickly moseyed to the stairs and went up one level (with our weights) where we worked on ARMs. With Pearls on a String, you travel and build a string of exercises along the way. We were stationary on the first level and part of the second before I remembered we were supposed to be moving. That’s also when I remembered that I had not said who I was, given the disclaimer, or explained what we were doing. But, hey, everybody followed me! It was all in the plan so that newbies would see that even seasoned Qs mess up!

Travel up to the next level was a Cusack with arms lifted overhead (I was the only one with a boom box – everyone else used weights).  That 3rd level was for LEGS, then the 4th level was for CARDIO.

Of course, we ran out of time so had to skip some of the exercises and certainly didn’t have enough time to reverse the string back down the levels.  Maybe next time…

The Thang:

Main level ABS
20 Wide Squat – Side Crunch
Core Twist – weight in front
Reverse Chop – weight
Overhead Circle w/ upper body
Stairs to 2nd level ARMS
30 Incline Merkins
Renegade Rows
Wonder Bra – push out & up
Cusack to 3rd level LEGS
40 Squats
Side Lunges
Calf Raises
Donkey Kicks
Stairs to 4th level CARDIO
50 Jumping Jacks
Mountain Climbers
Plank Jacks
Single Leg Sprint


Motivation is what gets you started.  Habit is what keeps you going. – Jim Ryun

One of the greatest pleasures in life is realizing that two weeks ago your body couldn’t do what it just did!


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