12/31/2022 - the_mud_room - NYE Beatdown with Boyfriends!

AO: The M.U.D room

When: 12/31/2022

QIC: Titanium


Number of Pax: 7

Number of FNGS: 1

Pax Names:

Tex, Zumbo, Queso, Graphite, Signs, Florence (FNG), Titanium


Ended 2022 with a NYE countdown and a beatdown with boyfriends. Been a while since they’ve visited!

Warmed up in cadence, then moseyed to my car to pick up the boyfriends. Back on the green for the countdown. Then the beatdown where we did 20 reps of 4exercises for a set, then ran to the other end of the green to do 23 jumping jacks for our 2023. Rinse and repeat, except we used a 45 second Tabata timer after the first set – too much counting and not enough mumble chatter!

New Year’s Eve Countdown Workout
10 Squat Press
9 Side Lunge Chest Press
8 Burpees
7 Lunge with Twist
6 Single Leg Deadlift
5 Mountain Climber
4 Plank Jack
3 Glute Bridge
2 Russian Twist
1 Toe Taps
Between each set:
Run to other side
23 Jumping Jacks
Run back
20 Push Ups
20 Squats
20 Sit Ups
20 Spin
20 Skull Crushers
20 Lunges (per leg)
20 Bridge Lift
20 Mountain Climbers
20 Curls (Bicep or Hammer)
20 Sumo Deadlift
20 Side-to-Side Twist & Drop
20 Speed Skaters

COT: Based on the pics

Every goal you reach begins with a decision to start

Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire


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