04/10/2024 - rosewater - No Feet Workout

AO: Rosewater

When: 04/10/2024

QIC: Tex


Number of Pax: 5

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Trooper, Songbird, RomCom, DIY, Tex


This was a rerun of the Q I did the previous Monday at MUDRoom. Since I have an ankle injury, this workout was easy on the feet and heavy on arms and abs. We did for sets of exercises (30 seconds on; 10 seconds rest). Between each set the runners ran and the injured walked or did fast bicycle crunches for a cardio “break”).

Set 1:


Piston Row

Russian Twist

Lat Pullover

Bicycle Crunches

Field Goal (is that what they are called?) – arms in field goal position and rotate so forearms are flat then back up again.


Tricep extension

Set 2:

Glute Bridge

Thruster (squat to press)

Scissor kick

Bent over row

V-Sit Cross Jab

Reverse Fly

Bow Extension – Right elbow to right Knee with weight in hand. Alternate

Shoulder Press

Set 3:

Kettle bell swing

Push Up

Flutter Kicks

Shoulder Shrug

Side Bend with weights

Front arm raise

Wood Chop – alternate

Upright Row

Set 4:

Donkey kick

Bench Press

Windshield Wipers

Hammer Curl

Reverse Crunch

Tricep kick back

Alternating Cross Over – lying down – right foot to lefthand, alternate

Crush Press – lying down – weights together over chest – press up and down.



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