01/19/2021 - the_mud_room - New Thang
AO: The M.U.D room
When: 01/19/2021
QIC: Signs (Rebekah)
Number of Pax: 10
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Titanium (Robin), Flip Flops (Sue), Sonic Boom (Katie), Songbird (Hemi), Signs (Rebekah), Broadway (Emily), U-Haul (Sandy), Queso (Laura), Buzz (Mary), Zumbo (Zehavit). I hope I remembered everyone since I couldn’t see everyone!
Today is MLK Day. We started with a quote by MLK saying to keep moving forward, however you can.
Warm up
@station – transition @station 2
Reps till it burns then 5 more or around 20
Arnold/overhead press —–> shuffle Left ——> step ups
Curls – —–> shuffle right ——> pushups
Lateral raises —–> lunges ——> triceps dips
Upright rows —–> skip —–> calf raises
Shadow Boxing – NEW SECTION. Several folks have done this before. Songbird was a natural.
Bob and weave 20
Upper cut Right 20
Hook right 20
Upper cut left 20
Hook left 20
Bird Dog and Lazy Girl Abs- till it burns and do 5 more. Repeat 3 times. **NEW SECTION
we only had time to do 1 set.
Bird dog – out to perpendicular (core balance) 10 reps **NEW MOVE
Leg lifts 20, 45, 90 – 15 reps
Lateral Scissor kicks – 15 reps
Windshield wipers – 20 reps
J- Lo – 20 reps
Gas pumper, toe touch combo 20 reps ** NEW MOVE
Plank – 60 seconds
COT – Try something NEW
There is nothing mor tragic than to find an individual bogged down in the length of life, devoid of breadth. MLK
Behold, I am doing a new thing;, now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:19