04/25/2024 - rosewater - My Slow and Steady Beatdown
AO: Rosewater
When: 04/25/2024
QIC: Songbird
Number of Pax: 5
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Romcom, Trooper, DIY, Tex, Songbird
For this “slow and steady” beatdown, I use a more chill playlist of instrumental pieces with beats, called StreamBeats by Harris Heller.
First we stretched it out from head to toe, then warmed up together with:
- Good Mornings to wide open arms, repeated
- Squat to side bend, alternating to each side
- Squat to twist with raised straight arms to both sides, palms facing up, twisting both directions
The Thang:
Repeated each move below for 8 reps (counting to 8 to keep it slow and steady!), for 3 rounds, resting in between rounds.
Upper body:
Bent-over Row >> Kickback
Bicep/Reverse Curls
Hammer Curls
Upright rows
Butt-kick walked across the parking lot and back.
Lower body:
Slow Squats
Forward lunges/butt touch (L/R)
Lateral lunges/curtsy lunge (L/R)
Hi-knee walked across the parking lot and back.
Abs/Back, just straight recommended reps:
10 V-ups
10 Bird-dogs (L/R)
We stretched it out again while I shared my COT:
Philippians 2:13
…for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.
It is GOD, by His Spirit, who always helps us to WANT AND DO what is good!!! So we don’t need to depend on our own strength or feel hopeless or discouraged when we struggle in any way, for He is faithful!