05/07/2021 - the_mud_room - My Mom Says I’m Special…And You Are, Too!
AO: The M.U.D room
When: 05/07/2021
QIC: Sonic Boom
Number of Pax: 12
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Songbird, Signs, Miyagi, Zumbo, Thriller, Flip Flops, Titanium, Honey Bear, Broadway, Breezy, Buzz
Great turn out for a Friday at MUD Room – I think it was the promise of pecan pie muffins that Honey Bear made for CofFia, but whatever gets us there! We burned a few of the cals w/this challenging beatdown. I didn’t hear too much mumble chatter – music was either too loud or PAX didn’t stop to breathe. In any event, each woman brought her A-game & we had fun!
Warm Up:
- Deep breaths with arms wide & overhead
- Good mornings
- Reverse inch worms
- Walking hip opener
- Heel to toe rock
- Cadence single-leg swings with reverse lunge
- Shoulder rolls
The Thang
3-2-1 Relay (like Ring of Fire): PAX do below while taking turns doing burpee set around the circle –
- Prisoner squats – each person does 3 burpees
- Imperial walkers – each person does 1 burpee
Travel to Stairs:
- Pick a step, do 8 calf raises
- Go to bottom & do 8 mt. climbers
- Do 8 more calf raises on a step
- Do 8 mt. climbers at top of stairs
- 8 final calf raises, then back to mats
45/20 Tabata – back and forth b/w mat & wall 2x thru:
Lateral L-fly | Step-ups |
Single-leg deadlifts – R | Single-leg Incline push-up – L |
Single-leg deadlifts – L | Single-leg Incline push-up – R |
Choppers – R | Single-leg tricep dips – R |
Choppers – L | Single-leg tricep dis – L |
May plank challenge – 2 minutes
30/10 Circuit:
- Donkey kicks w/reach – R
- Donkey kicks w/reach – L
- Gas pumper/V-up (alternating/combo)
- Up/down plank
- ABCs
- Lie down long
- Figure 4/happy baby
- Twists – lying or sitting
- Cat/cow
- Runner’s stretch
- Froggy squat
- Arms wide/triceps/biceps
- Arms overhead
This is a special group! Mother’s Day coming up Sunday – my mom always told me I was special (yes, I’m a millennial), so I am passing along to you ladies: You Are Special!
FiA wants to produce women who are stronger in every area of our lives, and I feel stronger, but what’s more, you make me feel like somebody because you show up to my workout and do it with me, and I do feel special! I want you to know that you are what makes FiA special! Remember that & have a great day & weekend.