10/21/2022 - the_mud_room - Magical Mystery Q! or “Just a hot minute!”
AO: The M.U.D room
When: 10/21/2022
QIC: Miyagi
Number of Pax: 8
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Buzz, Zookeeper, Kinetic, Sonic “Birthday” Boom, Queso, Titanium, Cruiser, Miyagi
Welcome, disclaimer, Warm-up
Each exercise written on a ping-pong ball. 2 bowls
Pick a ball from the “Draw” bowl; everyone do the exercise for 1 minute, put the ball in the “Discard” bowl.
followed by 20 seconds rest when the next person selects the next ball.
(Could also be done with “deck-of death” or just paper slips with exercises written on them)
30 exercises = 30 min exercising + 20 sec rest between each = 40 min
Cool down, COT, Announcements
Picture (because even in 35 degree temps we looked AMAZING!)
Voila! Mystery solved. 🙂