08/23/2023 - the_mud_room - Mad Scientist
AO: The M.U.D room
When: 08/23/2023
QIC: Buzz
Number of Pax: 2
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
The main pic is taken by Challenger, and then she helped me to take the second pic. Thanks so much for joining me this morning Challenger! This is the base Q that I use just about every time (see last Wednesday Mudroom Q) with a few tweaks. The mad part of the workout is that I switched songs between each of the exercises. We did get to hear Fraggle Rock, Spiderman, Neville’s Waltz, Radioactive and a few others, and I got to talk about Dragon Con. Dragon Con next week!
Mad Scientist – 8/23/23
Dragon Con Music Mary/Buzz
* Opening Stretches – loosen up
~45 second Exercise (~ 20 reps) – 15 second Stretch Pause and Drink as needed!
1 Laps: 1 = jog; Standing Leg Stretch
2 Hillbillies; Triangle stretch; Windmills; Arm Circles; Imperial Walkers; Head Circles
Walking Dead Fireflies Star Wars
3 Cherry Pickers (left to right); Hurdler Stretch
4 Butterfly Stretch; Windshield Wipers; Lying Stretch
5 Jane Fondas; Supine Spinal Stretch; Heel Beats; Lumbar Stretch
Wonder Woman Charmed
6 Pretzel Crunch; Crunch Stretch; Russian Twists; Knee to Chest Stretch
Hitchhikers Time Warp
7 Peter Parker; Leg Stretch; Push-ups; Cobra
Spiderman GI Joe
8 Monkey Humpers; Mad Cat; Mountain Climbers; Shoulder Shrugs
Planet of the Apes NCIS
9 Reverse Crunch; Rocking Chair Stretch; Ankle Biter; Frog Pose Stretch
Big Bang Two Radioactive
10 –
11 Raggedy Ann; Bending Stretch; Weed Pickers (front to back); Lean Back Stretch
Sesame Street Fraggle Rock
12 –
13 Bicycle; Reverse Rocking Chair Stretch; Boat Canoe; Seated Back Stretch
Bicycle James Bond
* Closing Stretches Neville’s Waltz
COT- Put something fun in your day!