07/12/2021 - the_mud_room - Lucky 7’s
AO: The M.U.D room
When: 07/12/2021
QIC: Zumbo & U-Haul
Number of Pax: 11
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Butterfly, Buzz, Flip-flops, K-pub, Queso, Roadrunner, Signs, songbird, Sonic-boom, U-Haul, Zumbo
11 pax led by U-Haul and Zumbo co-Q rocked the parking lot on a Monday morning Lucky 7 beatdown.
*Notice hoe our co-Q match??? (-;
Started our morning at the grassy lawn while U-Haul warmed us up with some Happy Jacks, we then cooled by the Windmills, danced a bit like some Boy Band and ended up strong like Michel Phelps!
Moving to the back parking lot (behind the coffee shop) Zumbo led us with what she thought was her lucky 7’s. It was sure 7’s, though I’m not sure how lucky she felt…. (our muscles will tell us later today(-:)
Starting on the mat with 6 Sit ups, running to the other end and doing one squat was easy but changing the reps from one side to the other showed us though it is not easy – its doable!!!
(6 situps- 1 squat, 5 situps- 2 squats, 4 situps- 3 squats, 3 situps- 4 squats, 2 situps- 5 squats, 1 situp- 6 squats)
we got more 7’s reps –
Russian twists – Shuffle – Shoulder taps
Ankle biters – Run – Push-ups
Jane Fonda – Lounges – Imperial walkers
After we realize we got few more minutes Zumbo tried to show how to make human chair and we all tried to keep up for 45 seconds. Yes, yes, after all those Lounges!!!!
I have to say… it was a great beatdown!!!
Finishing strong as always U-Haul led us to cool down with revers plank, series of stretches and my new favorite – Lindsay Lohan.
And…. last but not least a gratitude C.O.T with a quote by Brene Brown:
“We’re a nation hungry for more joy: Because we’re starving from a lack of gratitude”