02/05/2024 - the_mud_room - Lexicon Beatdown – 2024 FiA Olympics

AO: The M.U.D room

When: 02/05/2024

QIC: Titanium


Number of Pax: 6

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Tex, Miyagi, 4K, Graphite, Kiwi, Titanium


We accomplished the FiA Lexicon beatdown for the FiA 2024 Winter Games! We did most of the exercises below (some I skipped for times sake…or because I didn’t feel like doing them) These were from the FiA Nation website under Lexicon, but you can copy this and take any you’d like for your own Q.

The Lexicon workout, Love Bugs, and Pain Cakes all counted towards our Winter Games points. Woo-hoo!

Happy Jacks Jumping jacks in cadence, after 5 jumping jacks do 2 jump squats
Chain Breakers This is a 4 count arm exercise (normally used during a warm up).
With arms raised to chest height, put your fists toward the center of your chest with elbows facing out.  Then as if holding on to a chain and tugging it apart to break, do 3 small pulls of the elbows back ward, and the 4th pull release the arms/fists outward like you broke the chain (arms make a T) This 4th move stretches the chest and arms.  repeat-o
Drops Standing position 1. Right hand to left high knee 2. Left hand to right high knee 3. Bring left foot up slap with right hand. 4. Bring right foot up slap with left hand 5. Squat (That is one rep) Knee, Knee, foot, foot, squat. These can be done as a quick routine or slowly “walking it out”
Ratchet Squat Squat, up, quarter turn to the left and back. Squat, up, quarter turn to the right and back. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SBqKZKBNeU0
Full Moon Shuffle Use as a warm-up: Pax circle up, Pax can choose to say Shuffle Left, Shuffle Right or Full Moon(which means do a burpee) Begin with Q initiating shuffle then go around the circle each Pax calling out Left, Right or Full Moon. 2 rounds depending on number of pax.
The Thang:
Lovebugs 1 tricep dip-left leg ext. + 1 tricep dip–right leg ext.
+ 1 pushup – left leg ext. + 1 pushup – right leg ext. (Set 1)
Repeat with 2, then 3… (Record completed Lovebugs)
Paincakes PAX complete 1 Big Girl Sit Up, roll over, complete 1 Push Up. Roll over and complete 2 Big Girl Sit Ups, roll over, and do 2 Push Ups. This continues all the way to 10 of each.
(Record completed Paincakes – round to the nearest 1/2 set when recording score)
Bear Squats In bear crawl position, bend knees like a squat.
21 Guns 7 reps bicep curls to the halfway point then 7 reps from the halfway point to chest, then 7 full bicep curls.
Bourbons A Big Girl Sit up with a leg lift and torso twist at the top. Named after FiA Cherokee’s Bourbon
Wrangler Stand with arms bent and hands behind head bend at waist to 90 degree angle with leg kept straight, then stand back up and squat keeping hands behind head—bend +squat equals one (Chatt)
Arm-ageddon Arm series. 25 Arms circles forward, 25 arm circles backward, 25 touchdown (Arms straight up and then down to chest level)25 rotate, 25 press together,. 25 overhead press. Q will make the PAX suffer by pausing between each exercise and at the end. Q calls out when to release/drop arms. Can also be done timed 30 secs each for 3 minutes.
Buzz Saw Plank position on your elbows, rock back and forth on your toes like a saw. (Kansas City)
BLIMPS 5 Burpees, 10 Lunges, 15 Imperial Walkers, 20 Merkins (Push Ups), 25 Plank Jacks, 30 Squats
Walk the Plank In reverse plank, walk both feet in – forming crab/table top. Then step both feet back out into rev plank… that’s 1 rep. (Toledo South)
Figure 8s In a squat position, move 1 weight around both legs in a figure 8 shape.
False Starts Plank position. Jump knees in to chest, jump out back to plank, then 2 plank jacks. This is one rep. (Hampton Roads)
Frog Pumps Laying down, Place feet together and relax knees (in a diamond sit up position) then raise into glute bridge, and lower (Toledo South)
Narrow Squate with Kickback A narrow squat, but with an added kick backwards as you come up. Squeeze at the top of the kick.
Helicopter Plank, hands closer together then shoulder distance. right hand and feet stay planted while you twist bent left arm elbow points towards the sky. rotate back to plank. Other side. Left hand on ground and rotate towards right, right elbow points towards the sky. Can be added to a tabata for nice oblique strengthener. FiA Winston-Salem
Rowboat Sit with hands on ground behind slightly behind bottom, bring knees in and out at chest level like a rowboat.
Hand Release Push up Cross fit push up. Pushup performed by lowering all the way to belly, lifting hands off the ground, then back up to push up start position.
Cut it out Ab series. Laying on back, hands under lower back for support, legs 6 inches off ground, 20 flutter kicks, 20 full scissor kicks up and down feet not touching, then 20 dollies. Repeat 3 times or can be done to a full song of choice.
Supines Sit up executed laying flat on back, legs flat on ground, sit up, reach through and touch toes and roll back down.
Cool Down
DiveBombers Down dog, transition to a low hover plank bent elbows sweep the ribcage push forward on tippy toe into an up dog. FiA Winston-Salem
Door Knobs Arm exercise. Standing. Raise both arms out to the side so your body looks like a “T”. With your hands rotate your hands back and forth like you are turning a door knob.


Celebrated 6000 women across 23 states sharing workouts, friendship, and so much more!

Our Mission: FiA stands for Females in Action, which is a community of women dedicated to making each other stronger in all areas of our lives through activities that include bodies, minds, and hearts. A FiA workout is a promise, always free, open to ALL women, held outdoors, and ends with a circle of trust.


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