08/27/2021 - the_mud_room - Leaving it all out on the green (and pavement)
AO: The M.U.D room
When: 08/27/2021
QIC: Breezy
Number of Pax: 14
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Sonic Boom, Miyagi, Bollywood, Buzz, Tex, Zumbo, 5G, Broadway,Rose, Breezy, Peachy, Boxer, Signs, Cruiser
Today was all about cranking up all the angry music and leaving it all out on the green (and pavement)! I promised a good sweat so I hope the workout delivered. We started with a quick warm up lap and stretches. Next we got right to it, alternating 50 or 30 reps of an excersise and then a run/walk to the stairs (walkers) or stairway to heaven (runners). If you were a runner you hit that stairway to heaven at least 8 times! Walkers killed it and added a few more excersises as they were a little quicker with their stairs. Glad Zumbo got her Jane Fondas in too! In total, if you completed the full workout you did 60 merkins, 50 LBCs, 30 plank jacks, 50 shoulder taps, 50 monkey humpers, 30 Russian twists, 50 glute bridges, 15 burpees, 60 Jane Fondas, 30 skaters, lots of steps and a bunch of stairs! Way to kill it! For our COT I used a quote from a site I used finding my playlist, “I hope the playlist of angy music was helpful, but if not, maybe you just need a quiet stroll in a park, or a nap!” Make sure to do what is best for you at the time you need it, pounding it out on the pavement or taking a rest. Loved leaving it out there with y’all this morning, thanks for being AmAzinG!
And thanks to Miyagi for the Birthday balloon to get my birthweek started off in a spectacular way!