05/18/2022 - the_mud_room - Last Minute Wednesday
AO: The M.U.D room
When: 05/18/2022
QIC: Buzz
Number of Pax: 4
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Cruiser, Zookeeper, and Challenger
No one signed up to Q at the mudroom this morning, because we all were having one of those days for various reasons. I slipped in at the last minute but was prepared to Q. I used my “For a Monday Morning Life” workout again, because it felt like a struggling Monday and is easy to spontaneously pull off. Opening stretches are just a quick review of the stretches that are paired up with the exercises. I counted my exercise reps in my head and just called out when it was time to switch to the next thing. I also know the general pacing of the songs to try to keep the workout at some pace. We ended with closing stretches, COT, Name-A-Rama, and pictures. If you want to see this workout in more detail, the previous dates are 4/22/22, 11/1/21, and 10/28/20. Most of the workouts that I have done in the past have this general format.
COT – Today will never come again: Be a blessing. Be a friend. Encourage someone. Take time to care. Let your words heal and not wound