08/03/2022 - the_mud_room - Just Like Clockwork

AO: The M.U.D room

When: 08/03/2022

QIC: U-Haul


Number of Pax: 7

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Titanium, Buzz, Boxer, Kinetic, Rerun, Nightingale


Warm up: (10 each Imperial Walkers, cadence windmills, arm circles forward/reverse), Jog/ walk around the circle 

That Thang:

We divided into five groups; four of the groups split to the 3, 6, 9 and 12 o’clock positions around the perimeter of the turf green.  The fifth group (me) stayed to the side to begin. The fifth group included the Q and communicated the next exercise to the first position on the clock. That group would then jog 1/4 of the circle to where the next group was located and let them know what the next exercise was, and then that group would run and pass the exercise along to the next group and so on. There was always a group in motion and the new exercise would begin when the group behind reached the next group. The cycles were approximately 1-2 minutes in duration and the exercises were: 

Plank-everyone hold this to start


Tricep dips

Raggedy Ann’s

Jack Jacks


Brooke Burke’s (j los)

Curtesy lunges

Carolina dry docks

Mountain Climbers

Russian twists





Glute Bridges

Gas Pumpers

Monkey Humpers

American pie sit-ups 

Ankle Biters

Plank to finish!


Ring of Fire (Count them out loud while we played “Ring of Fire” by Johnny Cash)

Al gore (hood squat while tree hugging)while pass around 3 burpees

Boat while pass around 3 boat canoe

Forearm Plank while pass around 3 dolphin

Squats while pass around 3 America Pie sit-ups


COT (In the words of Signs “Watch it Unfold”… when life is bigger than our control and we’ve done all that we can.  Announcements and Nameorama


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