04/18/2024 - the_mud_room - Jeopardy Time!
AO: The M.U.D room
When: 04/18/2024
QIC: Kiwi
Number of Pax: 5
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Titanium, Zoo Keeper, Forest, 4K, Kiwi
Jeopardy – 4 categories! Options included below for each category. Everyone could pick their category and number and as the numbers got higher the exercise became more difficult
10 push ups
15 tricep extensions
21 guns
3 min Cusack
1 min Renegade rows
30 calf raises
15 squats
20 alternating lunges
Hold Squat pulses for 40 sec
Surrenders 1 min
Body saw 40 sec
Side plank 40 sec each side
Russian twists 40 sec
Norwals – 20 each side
Scissor kicks
Dead lifts 20
Chest flies 20
Superman 40 sec
Bent over rows
Upright rows
High knees 40 sec
2 laps around green
Run up to level 3 and back
Jumping jacks 40 sec
Run to stairs, make 3 rounds and back