07/17/2020 - jimmy_dean - It’s Time for the Beauty to Wake Up the Beast!

AO: jimmy_dean

When: 07/17/2020

QIC: Queso


Number of Pax: 5

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Sonic Boom, Queso, Titanium, Flip Flops, Signs


Everyone loves Disney, right?! Exactly?! So I’m sure everyone LoVeD this Disney themed workout this morning!

We started with mats on one side and weights on another, maybe 20 yards out…?! All exercises were themed for each song and we performed exercise for 30 seconds with a 20 second transition (also an exercise-ish) for the duration of the song. Rinse and repeat with a new song and a new set of exercises to do….yay! 🙂

We didn’t get through all the songs, but close to it! There was a bunch of mumble chatter surrounding the Man Makers. I think I remember Flip Flops saying something along the lines of, “so basically it’s a burpee, with even more to it”, with follow up from Titanium, “yea, a burpee on steroids!” hahaha I love you ladies! And you know what, we did ’em and are better for it! Titanium is also shocked at how often I’m able to incorporate the Macarena Plank into our routine….blame yourself “buttercup”! You brought it to us! LOL! Sonic Boom totally impresses me every time we have to do Bonnie Blairs. She does them SO well, getting some air and so strong….mine, on the other hand? Are they skips? Are they lunges? Who knows, but I wouldn’t call them Bonnie Blairs. Signs brought some good news this morning….she’s a new grandma! Her daughter, Morgan, had her baby and although he’s still in the NICU, things are progressing nicely….PRAISES!

We came, we sang, we shared, we grunted, we made it through another week ladies! #BetterTogether


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