08/31/2020 - the_mud_room - Iron PAX Challenge

AO: The M.U.D room

When: 08/31/2020

QIC: Queso


Number of Pax: 6

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Titanium, Flip Flops, Sonic Boom, Buzz, Hops, Queso


We beat the rain this morning…and the lightening and the snow…. Certain somebody’s tried to get out of this mornings beatdown, but they knew what was better for them! 6 PAX got.it.done with our Iron PAX Challenge.

The Thang:

The timer was set for 1 minute…every minute the PAX paused what they were doing and did  1 burpee, then continued on plugging away at the following ladder:

5 Macarena plank
10 man makers
15 decline pushups
20 up/down plank
25 L/R step ups
30 curls
35 Sit ups
40 squat press
45 push ups
50 single lunges
55 flutter kicks
60 sec plank
65 deadlifts
70 tricep extensions
75 plank jacks
80 calf raises
85 kettle bell swing
90 donkey kicks (45L/45R)
95 LBC
100 jumping jacks

Titanium & Sonic Boom led the PAX, pushing the pace as usual! How do they knock out these reps so fast?! Some of us gotta breath, ya know?! I did hear some mumble chatter from Titanium though, so although she was knocking out her reps with a quickness, at least it didn’t seem easy! haha
Hops added our Monday morning humor, as usual, as she pleasantly plugged away next to me. Buzz ALMOST got to sleep in, but her body is already used to those 5:00am wake ups and woke her up even before her alarm this morning! That means she got to suffer through this beatdown alongside us instead of having to do it on her own later. Would any of us have gotten up to do this on our own anyway?!? Let’s be real… #bettertogether Flip Flops endures with fierce persistence…likely hating the Q in the meantime, but never stopping, always persisting. All these ladies make me better, work harder, and get stronger.

Whoever didn’t finish has homework – whoever slept in has some work to do!

COT: Inspired by one of the songs that played during our beatdown, “what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.”

Happy Monday, ladies – have a great week!


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