07/04/2022 - the_mud_room - Independence Day at the Top of the Garage
AO: The M.U.D room
When: 07/04/2022
QIC: U-Haul
Number of Pax: 14
Number of FNGS: 5
Pax Names:
Songbird, Etcha-a-sketch (FNG), Sunshine (FNG), Kinetic, Rerun (FNG), DIY, Gator Girl (FNG), Spike (FNG), Baller, Zumbo, Buzz, Tex, Sweet Treat
Thanks to FIA Knoxville for sharing this Independence Day workout idea. It was fun!
When we pulled into Halcyon this morning, a run event was starting to gather. We took it to floor 5 of the parking garage and kicked the music on. Here’s how it went.
10 jumping jacks in cadence, 10 cherry pickers in cadence, 10 butt kickers, Michael Phelps
That Thang:
This is a 1776 AMRAP – Do the specified # of reps per exercise and repeat for the duration of the song. We actually didn’t have time for the last 5 songs so maybe next year we’ll do some of those…
Born in the USA
1 Star Jack/ Star Jump
7 Pendulum Squats
7 Sumo Squats
6 Big Girl Sit-ups
American Woman
1 Star Burpee (Burpee but with Star Jack in place of the jump)
7 Box Cutters
7 Plank Shoulder Taps
6 Mountain Climbers
The Remedy
1 Star Plank Jack (arms out wide for plank jack)
7 Standing Side Crunches L
7 Standing Side Crunches R
6 Monkey Humpers
Jack & Diane
1 Star Jack
7 Side Lunges R
7 Side Lunges L
6 Pushups
1 Star Burpee
7 Arnold Press L
7 Arnold Press R
6 Carolina Dry Docks
4th of July
1 Star Plank Jack
7 Tricep Kickbacks
7 Overhead Tricep Extensions
6 Super Woman
Independent Women
1 Star Jack
7 Lat Raises – Front
7 Lat Raises – Side
6 Goblet Squats
Independence Day
1 Star Burpee
7 Weighted Punches L
7 Weighted Punches R
6 Raggedy Anns
Party in the USA
1 Star Plank Jacks
7 Single Leg Dead Lifts L
7 Single Leg Dead Lifts R
6 Curls
R.O.C.K. in the USA
1 Star Jack
7 Fold the Taco R (Crunch and reach R arm toward L foot)
7 Fold the Taco L
6 Russian Twists
Fortunate Son
1 Star Burpee
7 Wood Choppers L
7 Wood Choppers R
6 Squat Thrusters
COT: Today I remembered back to my opportunity to see Independence Day in France. The French are so great about weaving a history remembrance into their Fireworks display. Witnessing this made me wish that we were more intentional about the way we celebrate our Independence from Britains’ rule on Independence Day and the signing of the Declaration of Independence. I take my freedom for granted most of the time (freedom of worship, freedom to get an education, freedom to speak my mind,…). Here are some quotes from folks who did not take their independence for granted at all:
“Liberty, when it takes root, is a plant of rapid growth” – George Washington
“Independence is a heady draft, and if you drink of it in your youth, it can have the same effect on the brain as young wine doesn’t. It does not matter that its taste is not always appealing. It is addictive and with every drink you want more” – Maya Angelou (African American writer who was active during the Civil Rights Movement)
“For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.” – Nelson Mandela – famous for peacefully destroying the Apartheid regime in S. Africa
We closed with Nameorama and Coffia at Land of a Thousand Hills. Great morning, ladies!