08/16/2023 - amazon - Grounded

AO: Amazon

When: 08/16/2023

QIC: Ghost Rider


Number of Pax: 6

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Home Grown, Hammer, Dottie, Kit, Taquito, Rapid, Ghost Rider


Thank you to FIA Toledo North; specifically Holy Toledo 🙂


  1. Jumping Jacks x10
  2. Slow Spiders (peter parkers) x10
  3. Shoulder Press without weight x10
  4. Plank Jacks x 10
  5. Michael Phelps x 10

The Thang:

7 Exercises 10 of Each, Stay Together as a Group and Stay in a Plank between Each Exercise. We are Staying Grounded as long as possible.

AMRAP Ladder

(Between Each Set of Seven exercises a Ladder will be completed. Running from the first exercise, to the second, back to the first, second, and then third, back to the first, continuing this pattern until all 4 exercises are completed. (5 Min. AMRAP). – set up each exercise about 10 yards apart.- 40 yards total)

  1. 1st Line | 5 Mountain Climbers
  2. 2nd Line | 5 Burpees
  3. 3rd Line | 10 Jump Squats
  4. 4th Line |10 Jumping Jacks

Set 1 (7 exercises, 10 reps each)

  1. Regular Push-ups
  2. Plank Step-Outs
  3. Grasshopper
  4. Jumping Sumo with Hands On the Ground
  5. Crawl Bear to, Bear Crawl Back first line
  6. On Knees, Shoulder Press w/ weight
  7. Full Sit-Up

5 min AMRAP Ladder

Set 2 (7 exercises, 10 reps each)

  1. Hand Release Push-Ups
  2. Plank To Bear Crawl Position
  3. Semi-Circle Mountain Climber
  4. Scorpion Sumo Burpee With Hands On Mat
  5. Crawl Bear to, Bear Crawl Back first line
  6. On Knees Lateral Raise w/ weight
  7. Single/Single, Double Boat

5 min AMRAP Ladder

Set 4 (7 exercises, 10 reps each)

  1. Slow Push-Ups
  2. Slow Mountain Climbers
  3. Bird Dog Plank
  4. Jumping Spider Push-Ups
  5. Crawl Bear to, Bear Crawl Back first line
  6. On Knees Bicep Curl W/weight
  7. Renegade Row With A Push-Up

5 min. AMRAP Ladder


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