04/20/2022 - amazon - Get to Know You @ the Amazon
AO: Amazon
When: 04/20/2022
QIC: Rapid
Number of Pax: 7
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Signs, Hammer, Tacquito, Ghost Rider, Uhaul, Ledecky, Rapid
Warm up: 5 min
Jog a lap
-Small Arm circles forward, small arm circles back
-Large forward, large back
Crockpot squats:
3count down, 1 up x 10
High knees
10 burpees to get warmed up
If you finish early at any point in the workout, do these exercises to stay warm.
Jog to field and play a “This or That” game that determines your exercise:
Coffee or tea?
Tricep dips or elevated push ups x 30
Mountains or beach?
Mountain climbers or plank jacks x 30
Introvert or extrovert?
Bear crawl or crawl bear to midline / center
Born in GA or Born Elsewhere?
Crab walk forward or crab walk backwards to end
Reptile or mammal?
Leap frog or bunny hops to midline / center
Books or TV?
inch worms or duck walk
Hot or cold?
Skip to end, side shuffle (switch sides halfway through)
Vanilla or Chocolate?
Skip to end, side shuffle (switch sides halfway through)
Photo or video?
Plank with Wax on / wax off OR shoulder taps x 30
Christmas or Easter?
Step ups or Bonnie Blair’s x 30 (left, right)
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Play “Never Have I Ever” with sprints. If you have done the thing called out, Sprint to 18 and back. Wall sit while items are called out.
- Had kids, sprint
- Slept in a tent, sprint
- Sky diving, sprint
- Changed a tire
- Traveled outside the country
- Watched the Bachelor
- Been to Disney world
- Had surgery
- Won the lottery
- Flipped the bird in traffic
End with a cool down walk to the parking lot!