10/11/2023 - the_mud_room - Full Body Workout
AO: The M.U.D room
When: 10/11/2023
QIC: Challenger
Number of Pax: 2
Number of FNGS: 1
Pax Names:
4K “FNG”
Jumping Jacks 20
Push Ups 10
Squats 10
Crunches 25
Jump Rope 50
Tricep Dips 10
Lunges 10
Russian Twist 25
High Knees 25
Push Ups 10
Side Lege Raises 20 R&L
Plank Hold 60 secs
Burpees 5
Tricep Dips 10
Butt Kicks 25
Jumping Jacks 25
Chair Pose 30 secs
Push Ups 10
Crunches 25
Squats 25
Overhead triceps 10
Plank 60 secs
High Knees 25
Lunges 25
Dumbbell Curl 12
Lateral Raises 12
Lying Dumbbell 10
Deadlifts 10
Bicep curls 12
Child’s pose
Cat Cow
Happy Baby
Thread the Needle R&L