03/26/2021 - the_mud_room - Freak-A-Zoid
AO: The M.U.D room
When: 03/26/2021
QIC: Buzz
Number of Pax: 4
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Titanium, Sonic Boom, and Miyagi
Freakazoid – 3/26/21
With the heavy rain from last night, it was hard to find a dry spot even in the parking deck. Even with the music not cooperating, we got a workout in. I made sure to add in my usual plenty of stretches after a long week. Hope this helps someone loosen up and get moving. Remember to be yourself in all you do… even your workout!
- Freak-A-Zoid Stretch – loosen up
- No Parking Laps: 1 = jog; 2 = length- Lunges, ends- Lt Dan’s Lunge/Squat
~45 second Exercise (~ 20 reps) – 15 second Stretch
Pause and Drink as needed!
- You Dropped the Bomb
- Hillbillies; Triangle Stretch
- Windmills; Arm Circles
- Prayer Squat; Standing Leg Stretch
- Imperial Walkers; Lean Back Stretch
- Cherry Pickers (side to side); Hurdler Stretch
- You Spin Me
- Windshield Wipers Butterfly Stretch
- Jane Fondas; Lying Stretch
- Heel Beat; Supine Spine Stretch
- Hungry Like a Wolf
- Monkey Humpers; Mad Cat
- Mountain Climbers; Shoulder Shrugs
- Prayer squat; Bend at Waist
- Rockit
- Peter Parker; Leg Stretch
- Pretzel crunch; Rest Pose
- Russian Twists; Knee to Chest Stretch
- Push It
- Reverse Crunch; Rocking Chair Stretch
- Ankle Biter; Frog Pose Stretch
- Bicycle; Reverse Rocking Chair
- Boat Canoe; Seated Back Stretch
- We Got the Beat
- LBC; Bridge up
- Calf Raises; Foot Stretch
- Call Me
- Superman; Prone Spinal Twist
- Curls; Cross-body Arm Stretch
- Tricep Chop; Arm Stretch
- Hit Me With Your Best Shot
- Push Ups; Cobra
- Plank; Straight Arm Stretch
- Whip-It
- Raggedy Ann; Bending Stretch
- Cherry Pickers (front to back); Lean Back Stretch
- Operator(played softly) Closing Stretches
COT – It is ok to be different. The bible tells us repeatedly that we are supposed to be different. Even the Psalms start of reminding us to be different than those around us -Psalm 1:1 Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers,