04/22/2022 - the_mud_room - For a Monday Morning Life – Again
AO: The M.U.D room
When: 04/22/2022
QIC: Buzz
Number of Pax: 8
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Titanium, Flip Flops, Zookeeper, Uhaul, Songbird, Signs, and Peachy
After not really seeing each other in a while, we were all in the mood to talk. I was glad that I just used a familiar past workout because it gave us more flexibility to talk. Even though it was Friday I used my “For a Monday Morning Life” workout in honor of Never Miss a Monday coming up! Opening stretches are just a quick review of the stretches that are paired up with the exercises. I counted my exercise reps in my head and just called out when it was time to switch to the next thing. I also know the general pacing of the songs to try to keep our workout on some pace. After COT, Name-A-Rama, and pictures, we got to look at the shirt samples for our next FIA gear store order.
COT – Today will never come again: Be a blessing. Be a friend. Encourage someone. Take time to care. Let your words heal and not wound.
4/22/22 – Titanium, Flip Flops, Zookeeper, Uhaul, Songbird, Signs, and Peachy
(11/1/21 – Signs, Flip Flops, and Titanium (who were there the first time 10/28/20), Songbird and Miyagi)
For a Monday Morning Life – Stephanie Newton music 04/22/22 Q – Buzz
Intro – Opening Stretches
~45 second Exercise (~ 20 reps) – 15 second Stretch Pause and Drink as needed!
- Monkey Humpers; Mad Cat/Cow; Side Lunges; Runner’s Lunge Stretch;
Curls; Cross-body Arm Stretch
- Hillbillies; Triangle stretch; Imperial Walkers; Head Circles;
Grass Pickers(f-b); Straight Arm Stretch
- Bicycle; Rocking Chair Stretch; Boat Canoe; Trunk Twist;
Reverse Crunch; Butterfly Stretch
- Russian Twists; Knee to Chest Stretch; Peter Parker; Leg Stretch
- Pretzel Crunch; Crunch Stretch; Ankle Biter; Frog Pose Stretch
- Tricep Chop; Down Back Arm Stretches; Sumo Squat; Bend Waist
- Windmills; Arm Circles; LBC; Bridge-Up; Calf Raises; Foot Stretch
- Plank(~1min); Shoulder Shrugs; Superman; Prone Spinal Twist;
- Windshield Wipers; Lying Stretch; Jane Fondas; Supine
- Run/walk 2 laps; Lean Back Stretch
- Closing Stretches