07/10/2020 - jimmy_dean - Fitness Friday!

AO: jimmy_dean

When: 07/10/2020

QIC: Titanium


Number of Pax: 7

Number of FNGS: 1

Pax Names:

Queso, Sonic Boom, Tex, Flip Flops, FNG: Signs, Hops, Titanium


Fitness Friday with an FNG! What a great way to get ready for the weekend!

We paired off (with one set of 3) for a song-led bootcamp workout. Plenty of room to spread out under the lights on the green. The object here was, for the duration of a song, switch off exercises between the pair with one person doing 20 reps of an exercise while the partner did another exercise. When the counter finished, the partners switched the count and exercise; rinse and repeat the exercise count/switch until the song was over.

FNG: Signs (Rebekah used to be a sign language interpreter) jumped right in like a pro! Flip Flops was a great coach. Hops brought her cheery attitude as usual to make the workout less painful! And a sprained ankle doesn’t seem to slow Queso down. How does she do it?! Sonic Boom and Tex just hammer away and make it seem easy…maybe I need to up my game to give them a challenge 😉 Such a pleasure to work out with these women.

  • The Thang:


Take Me Home 3.26 Kettlebell Swing Tricep Dips

Bailar 2.17 Squat Press Sit Ups

You Can’t Stop Me 4.00 Hammer Curls Speed Skaters

Pump It 3.33 Forward Lunge & Press Sumo Squats

With You 3.00 Skull Crusher Glute Bridge

Bulletproof 3.25 Deadlift Calf Raises

Chainsaw 3.22 Bicep Curls Bicycles

Best Friend 3.03 Mountain Climbers LBCs

Turbulence 3.48 Reverse Lunge & Press Merkins

Church Clap 3.17 Bent Row Gas Pumpers

Super Freak 3.25 Plank Jacks Reverse Crunch

Run the World 3.56 Lying Flys Side Bends

  • COT: Persistence in FiA workouts leads to strength, health, and friendships. Persistence in looking to God throughout each day leads to a more effective and joyful life.


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