12/09/2020 - the_mud_room - Finding Balance in a Mixed Bad
AO: The M.U.D room
When: 12/09/2020
QIC: Sonic Boom
Number of Pax: 9
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Titanium, Buzz, Broadway, Chief, Flip Flops, Uhaul, Sashimi, Miagi
We kept it moving during this cold morning with the below – way to go, ladies! I wouldn’t do it without you!
Warm Up:
- Front Kicks
- Rear Kicks
- Arm Circles
- Jumping Jacks
- Push-ups
- Around-the-world Lunges
- Cherry Pickers
Sets – do each 3x through
- Walk mat forward and back in a straight line – 30s
- Alternating overhead presses with right leg raised – 40s
- Lateral arm raises with left leg raised – 40s
- Plank with triceps kick-backs – 50s – Titanium & Uhaul showed off with a full plank here!
- High knees – 60s
- Figure 4 squats – 30s
- Balance deadlifts on right leg (with or w/o weights) – 40s
- Balance deadlifts on left leg – 40s
- Weighted dead bug – 50s
- Mountain climbers – 60s – Needed Uhaul’s encouragement at this point!
- Alternating forward lunge with rotation (or wood choppers) – 30s – Flip Flops’ fave!
- Plie squats – 40s
- In & outs/gas pumpers – 50s
- Plank jacks – 60s – Sorry, Chief, for making you lose the Wham! challenge! We had fun anyway, I hope.
Stretch/CoT/Name-o-rama: We ended just in time to wrap it up quickly with the below fun quote.
Albert Einstein: “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.”